On our second false fall morning, and it being (un)offically 919 (9/19) day, what better way than to “attempt” 919 reps in 60 minutes. There was a lot to unpack so we kept the warm up short and sweet.
Warm Up:
- SSH x 15
- MWH x 10
- GM x 10
- IW x 15
- LBAC x 10
- RLBAC x 10
YHC devised a fool-proof plan to incorporate 9 exercises (3 arm, 3 leg, & 3 abs) with 10 rounds to complete 919 reps
- Arms – Merkins (SC) x 10
- Legs – Lung Jumps (SC) x 10
- Abs – LBS (IC) x 10
- Arms – High-Low Plank ring of fire (first round was 5 count high plank and then 5 second low. Switch to alternating 5 count high and low after that).
- Legs – BW Squat x 10
- Abs – Heel Touches (IC) x 10
- Arms – Burpees! (OYO) x 10
- Legs – Mt. Climbers (IC up to round 5, then switched to SC) x 10
- Abs (IC) Flutter Kicks x 10
- Man Makers (1 the first round and 2 the rest of the way)
Every 2 round completed we did a half field mosey to reset and keep the lactic acid build up to a minimum.
Due to constraints, we were only able to complete 7 rounds (643 reps) and jump right into Mary. Fun fact, area code 643 is not currently assigned in the US and is associated with spam calls. So if you don’t want to be considered spam, just 3 short rounds will get you to your 919 destination.
- Russian Hammer x 15
- Box Cutters x 15
- Monkey Humpers (site chaplain approved) x 15
- 5 count Superman ring of fire
- If you are not 100% sure of your voting status, Kia has information packets with easy to follow instructions to confirm your status as an active voter.
- Vortex fields have officially opened back up for use in Chapel Hill (Tuesdays)
- Devil’s Ridge start time has been moved back to its pre-COVID time of 0530
Crockett took us out.