I Found My Thrill on Richmond Hill (Georgia)

May 25, 2021

WHEN: 05/25/2021
QIC: Bump Draft
PAX: Nitro (Respect), Catskill (Respect), Homegrown Berry, Chum, Rebar, Nacho Libre

Active Warm-up: We broke into two groups and bear crawled from the AO to the playground. The fast group was penalized for their speed (this was the Keystone group) and the Colonial group were allowed to proceed at regular pace, while the Keystone’s had to crawl bear to the oil fields.

Where did the gas go? The Answer: The Bearmuda Triangle!

20 IC windshield wipers in Goldsboro, 15 military-merkin burpees in Fayetteville, and 20 IC windshield wipers in Florence, and finalized with 15 hand-release burpees

State of Emergency: Teamed up–one group stayed behind to do gas pumps, while other sideway crawled to a corner (if gas pump group stopped they had to do 5 double-merkin burpees)

Gas Is Expensive: We did around 2 to 3 rounds of ATM’s. These are tough done without rest.

Getting Nitro to Naples: Bear crawled our way back to AO slowly; stopped in Richmond Hill for gas pumps; Jacksonville for ATM’s, and then Chum had us crabwalk to Naples

That’s it! As promised, there was no running.

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