SDR offered to swap Qs with various site Qs throughout Churham a while back, and YHC accepted. SDR put us through our paces on Tuesday at The Piranha, so today was YHC’s turn at OCL, first time ever posting to this site. Glad to have my pals from Audubon Park, Scap and Bellhop, tag along. We joined Uzi, TB and Red October for an EC ruck.
A total of 14 gathered for ME, including an FNG and some PAX YHC had not seen in a while.
Good Morning X 10 IC
Imperial Walker X 15 IC
5 burpees OYO
LBAC X 12 IC and reverse
ICMountain Climber X 20 IC
Slow Merkin X 10 IC
Moseyed to blacktop with a deck of cards, including two jokers. Announced to PAX that what this Q lacked in creativity it hopefully would make up for in suck.
Hearts: Burpees
Diamonds: Merkins (dealer’s choice, so regular, wide-grip, diamond, derkin and dry docks were employed)
Spades: WWIIs
Clubs: Jump Squats
PAX circled up and took turns drawing cards. Whoever drew the card led the PAX in the workout that the suit of the card indicated, in the quantity of whatever the number on the card was (eg. 8 of Hearts means 8 burpees). Face cards represented numbers 11-14.
Took two breaks for recovery moseys
Joker 1 = bear crawl length of blacktop, crab walk back
Joker 2 = crab walk length of blacktop, crawl bear back
Pep picked up the last card with exactly one minute to spare, and we knocked out 7 burpees to close. Total of 104 burpees, merkins, WWIIs and jump squats.
Red October is looking for a group to help a widowed single mother move on Aug. 3. Look for info on 3rd F calendar and let Red know if you are available to help.
FNG got kind of a wild name. A native of Mount Airy (aka Mayberry), he also works on a nuclear sub. Red October informed us that his duties have him stationed in a box on the sub, which led to the pitch of Man in the Box. Further riffing led to a combination of Barney Fife and Man in the Box. Got it? Good times.

YHC took us out.
A pleasure to lead as always and will be back to OCL. Awesome site. Will do more exploring of it next time. Thanks to SDR for the opportunity. SYITG.