Here’s Woody

September 4, 2014

WHEN: 09/04/2014
QIC: Woody
PAX: Floyd,Woody

2 PAX ventured into the ever darkening gloom for a Thursday beatdown. Woody ran his first Q today.

SSH x 25
Good Mornings x 10
Windmills x 10
LBAC x 10
Reverse LBAC x 10
1/2 mile warm up run

PAINGROUND, upper body workout
Pull-ups x 10
Dips x 20
Swing Merkins x 10 (cadence)
Box Jumps x 10


Jog to turf field
75 yard sprint
75 yard bear crawl
75 yard backwards run
75 yard karioke
75 yard sprint

LBC x 20 (cadence)
Russian Hammers x 20 (cadence)
LSF x 20 (cadence)
LBC x 10
Russian Hammer x 10
LSF x 10

Awesome workout Woody. We’ll have to get you to Q a Saturday soon
T-shirts are still pending. Will let you know when the arrive
Floyd style Q on Saturday. Bring your A-game
Good luck Doogie and other F3 men doing the Blue Ridge Relay this weekend.