Hang Ten

October 22, 2019

WHEN: 10/22/2019
QIC: Catskill
PAX: Brotox, Paperboy, Nitro, Splashback, Yanni, Whitefish & Rebar

Warm Up: 10 IC Imperial Walker, 30 SSH, 10 IC WMH, 10 IC AC, 10 IC RAC

Mosey around traffic circle and along the back of the school to the playground. Luckily the rain held off to begin our Burpee pyramid. It went like this: P1- Hang from monkey bar-type apparatus, P2- complete 1 burpee, then switch. Each partner completed increasing burpee reps up to ten back decreasing back down to 1. The partner completing burpees was the timer for the other partner dead hanging from the apparatus. Not surprisingly, mumble chatter ceased a few rounds in…

Gentlemen’s mosey to picnic tables. At arrival we completed 20 alternating single leg step ups, 20 squats, 20 Bonnie Blairs & 20 Monkey Humpers consecutively without rest.

Mosey to front of school access road where we completed the Ascending curb crawl. For the un-initiated we bear crawled to the opposite curb where we completed one derkin, we then bear crawled back for two derkins. We kept this pattern until we completed 13 derkins. No time for Mary…

Co T: Thank you for allowing me to lead this morning. The thing I appreciate the most about being out here is how we push ourselves, how we work together to pick each other up and how it makes us stronger mentally and physically. Go out into your world today and do that for those that need it. Until next time, Aye!