Grinding Out Some Independence!

August 7, 2019

WHEN: 08/07/2019
QIC: Elf
PAX: Misery,Assisi, Prancing Horse, The Exchange, Riggs, Peppermint Patty, Castaway, Richard Simmons, Cosmo, One Direction, Sawtooth, TOK, Soda Popinski, Field Day, Yurt, 2Ply, Pedilyte, Bells, Kia, Driftwood, Scurvy, Maestro, Lap Lane, OPEC

So thank goodness I stopped Misery from taking my Q or this day would have never have happened. Guest from the North and South of Durham, 2 sets of Dad-Son combos, Old School and New School PAX converged on what turned out to be an awesome Morn! Good thing I decided to turn it up to “11” on an All Star studded day!

SSH x 25
WMHs x 10
Hillbillies x10
Baby arm circles x 12, Reverse x 12
Hand release Merkins x 10
5 Burpee penalty for the stragglers…

The Thang
Learned a lil trick called the “Grinder” from Big Kat so the only thing I could think that would make it better was some metal!. So a ”Grinder” requires 3 PAX, 2 doing an exercise a distance from each other while the 3rd runs from one PAX to the other and relieves them. Then that PAX runs back to the other PAX and relieves them so they can then run. Rinse and repeat until the timer is up. We used a 3 minute timer and did sets as follow.
1st- 1 PAX doing bent rows w metal, 2 PAX overhead press. 3 runs and relieves 2, 2 runs to 1. Repeat for timed amount
2nd- 1 PAX curls, 2 PAX Tri Press
3rd- Squats w metal in front, Lunges w Metal
4th- Bench Press, Cleans
Once all 4 rounds ended moved onto an invention of my own, the “Independence “. PAX stay in groups of 3, 1 runs and does a round of 1-7-7-6 exercises, each number representing how many reps at each island. While the first PAX takes off, other 2 PAX do 6 different metal works, 10 reps then back to first exercise. 6 exercises in question were – curls, tri press, overhead press, squats, bent rows, then lunges, all w metal. Did 3 rounds until all PAX through.
1st round- 1 8 count man maker, 7 Merkins, 7 wide grip Merkins, 6 Diamond
2nd – 1 Squat, 7 tuck jumps, 7 Bobby Hurley’s, 6 Burpees
3rd – 1 hand release Merkin, 7 mtn climbers, 7 Peter Parker’s, 6 Dry docks
Due to time constraints we did last round all together.
1 WWII, 7 Freddy Mercury, 7 Hammers, 6 Box cutters. This was Mary as there was no more time! But Assisi did finish under the time limit, no surprise there. Quick COT then we were done.

On personal note, it was awesome and humbling to lead these men today. PAX that helped me when I started were there as well as a new wave of badasses. It’s amazing to see how this thing is always in a state of flux and growing but also how great the staying power is due to the bond we all have formed. I’m grateful for the Old School knowledge as well as the new blood that add their twist to F3 and keep it ever changing and “new”. You boys inspire me and make me wanna be better. And I can only hope I do the same to the men around me. Thanks for the chance to lead. Aye!