Glorious Return

February 6, 2019

WHEN: 02/06/2019
QIC: Amphibious
PAX: 2-Ply, Grunge, Crimson, Richard Simmons, Dial-Up, Scrooge McDuck, Misery, Porterhouse, Cosmo, Driftwood, Bell Hop, Assisi, Peppermint Patty, Green Jeans, OPEC, Smithsonian, Sticky Wicket, Adolphus, Teo, Riggs, Legacy, Firefly, Stop Drop & Roll, Sawtooth, Sweater Vest, Nope, Botched, Sonar, Scapula, Tug Boat, Amphibious

Today’s workout was preceded by almost unprecedented fanfare. Slack started blowing up yesterday with the news that one of F3 Durham’s original charter members and founders, Riggs, would return to his F3 glory, after a string of injuries that have kept him away (not sure if it was Doogie and/or Riggs who “founded” Durham F3? We need a media fact checker). Clearly it was not all hype, as Riggs was indeed present, along with 30 other PAX (near-record attendance), all excited to celebrate his hopeful return.

We had a large quantity of PAX, but high quality as well. The hardcore ruckers, including Teo and Adolphus, even took a break from the insanity of ruck training to do a “normal” F3 workout with Riggs. The workout was also preceded by a well-attended 5k EC AND ruck EC. I could feel the excitement in the air when I arrived at 0515. Doogie even said he was posting and he actually posted. That alone should indicate something special.

In all seriousness, when I started F3 almost 4 years ago, Riggs was a staple at almost every workout I attended, and he was often the Q. He was one of the guys that hooked me and kept me coming back. He helped define F3 here, along with a few others. I know we are all hoping and praying for Riggs’ speedy return to his F3 glory days. It was great to see him getting after it again with a few of the “originals” by his side.

Thanks Riggs for all you’ve done for F3, and therefore, all of us! This one’s for you.

The Warm Up

  • Warmup lap around the church
  • SSH x 30
  • IW x 13
  • Windmills x 10
  • WMH x 10

The Thang

PAX paired up, taking a piece of steel for the pair. We did a four corners run around the church, with each PAX completing the following at each corner of the property, taking turns running with the steal from corner to corner:

Corner 1: 20 curb toe taps with steal overhead, 10 burpees

Corner 2: 20ish overhead presses, 10 burpees

Corner 3: 20ish weighted squats, 10 burpees

Corner 4: 20ish curls for the girls, 10 burpees

We would low-hold plank for a 10 count at each corner after all PAX completed their reps.

After completion of the 4th corner, half the pax sprinted up the hill with steel while the other half did LBCs. Then we switched.

We then moved to another section of the parking lots and completed the following:

Lengthy bear crawl, crab walk, overhead steel hold, sprints with the steal, and more low hold planking and squatting.

We switched gears again, completing another 4 corners run around the entire property. PAX completed the run with their partner, passing the steal off to the partner at each corner.

To wrap it up, PAX completed 10 final burpees, for a grand total of 50.


  • Flutter kicks x 30
  • LBCs led by 2-ply
  • A Grunge-led plank exercise that I’ve never done and can’t recall the name of, but it was a good one!


  • Prayers requested for Cosmo’s family and his aunt Lisa, who has recently become seriously ill.
  • Adolphus and Teo reminded us of the F3 Churham Custom GoRuck events coming up the weekend of 3/2. There are three separate events (Heavy, Tough and Light). A few nut heads are attempting to complete all three events back to back (known as the HTL, 42+ hours of SUCK), but Adolphus reminds us that it is perfectly fine and still a bad ass move to sign up for just any one of these events. Contact one of these guys for deets.

YHC, Amphibious