Four Corners Pyramids

July 20, 2017

WHEN: 07/20/2017
QIC: Coco
PAX: Boucher, Amphibious, Bushwood, Floyd, Cardiac, Jackie Chiles, Coco

YHC arrived at approx. 0520 to see a lonesome shadow doing something (action unknown) near the playground at #TR.  Normally this should cause alarm, concern and perhaps a quick dial to 911 – but a closer look thankfully identified the dancing shadow as Cardiac, simply there for his pre-warm up warm-up work (aka; solo EC).

With the #TR and #Bastille shovel flags planted side by side in the still calm of morning, we got to work.

The Warm Up
SSH (x25 IC)
BWS (x25 IC)
Willie Mays Hayes (x25 IC)
Merkins (x25 SC)

The Thang
Mosey over to the playground; partner up.  YHC stated that size, strength and speed are non-factors in the selection process…but choosing someone with the dashing good looks of Floyd is always a wise choice.

100 Burpee Pullups (Dora-style).  While one partner begins chipping away at the 100 total burpee-pullups, the other partner runs to the brick wall (50 yrds; past the big, decorative balls!) and completes the following:
Box jumps (x5), Irkins (x5), Derkins (x5).  Run back to relieve your partner.
Repeato (approx. 4-5 times per partner) until all 100 burpee-pullups are done.  SSH until all PAX complete.

Mosey over to the soccer field; grabbing sandbag coupons & a KB along the way.  (Editor’s note: we had plans for using coupons for our next series, but sadly the clock had other plans for us.  Saved for another day…)
The perfectly-kept turf field was beckoning for us to take a few laps, which we were glad to do.

Four-corners merkin pyramid.  Starting at one corner of the soccer field, we did the following:

5 merkins.    Sprint down the long sideline to the next corner.
10 merkins.  Sprint down the goal-line to the next corner.
15 merkins.  Sprint.
20 merkins.  Sprint (This returned us back to the starting corner)
25 merkins.  Sprint.
20 merkins.  Sprint.
15 merkins.  Sprint.
10 merkins.  Sprint.
5 merkins.    Recover: 125 total.

Four-corners body weight squat pyramid.
Repeato as per above, but substitute BWS in place of merkins: 125 total.

A quick check of the Garmin told us it was closing in 6:15 (6:08 to be precise) – which was perfect since we had 7 PAX, therefore giving everyone 1 minute to lead a Mary exercise of their choosing.

  • Floyd: American Hammers
  • Bushwood: 6 inches/45degree leg hold
  • Jackie Chiles: LBC
  • Cardiac: Ski abs
  • Amphibious: Ring of Fire: 5 seconds alternating high/low plank holds
  • Boucher: Heels to Heaven
  • Coco: Flutters


It’s been way too long since YHC has posted at #TobaccoRoad.  I love the site and more importantly – the crew who consistently posts there and pushes their limits.  #CardiacisFAST #Bushwoodalmostcaughthim
Churham 2ndF next week (Thursday, July 27th) – Designated location: Glass Jug in Durham

Everyday – it’s a honor to lead.  Aye!