Yesterday, when I posted at The Big Dance, I had an idea for this morning’s workout, with a secondary idea floating in the back of my mind. When Roach led us into the Thang yesterday he made mention of my first idea, and we did a variant of it. That solidified my secondary idea, that I was a bit more excited about anyway, F3 Baseball.
Drawing inspiration from a few sources; last night’s All Start Game, my family’s upcoming trip to Michigan with a stop at Comerica Park for the Tigers/Indians game, and the baseball game that we’re organizing in October (check out the #baseballchannel for more information), today’s workout was planned with baseball on my mind. Before we get to that, there was some good stuff leading up to it. When I got to the parking lot of Hillandale Elementary this morning 13 PAX were waiting to get stronger.
At 0530 sharp, we got things rolling.
Warm Up
SSH x 27
Good Morning x 10
WMH x 12
LBAC x 12
Reverse LBAC x 12
Mt. Everest Mountain Climbers (h/t Food Lion)
Race – 40 cadence count Rocky Balboas OYO, run around the parking lot, to the rail for 30 Dips, run to the start, line up in finish order.
The PAX counted off into 4s, and YHC explained the workout, with an explanation of three exercises, the Crab Cake, the Squat Thrust, and introducing (drum roll…) the Air Drama (an air squat with a Johnny Drama added at the end to extend the exercise as well as the circumference of your calves).
The Thang
The PAX picked up cones to mark the bases and moseyed to the large baseball field. Each group lined up at their respective base (remember, we counted into fours), with each base being a different exercise. Each group had to do a cumulative number of exercises (teams of three did 90, teams of 4 did 120) at each station, and alternated between duck walk and bear crawl between bases.
1st base – Merkins
2nd base – Air Dramas
3rd base – Crab Cake (Crab walk position, lift one arm and opposite leg tap the knee, then alternate).
Home – Squat Thrust
Each group received one point for each time they crossed their starting point. By the time we called the game, every group had three points.
At the appropriate time, we picked up the cones, walked up the hill, and moseyed to the start.
Boxcutters x 35
Superman Ring of Fire x 7 count
Don’t forget the Coco Convergence on 7/21 at The Thin Blue Line.
Congratulations to Chowdah, who took second in his age division during the Bootlegger 5k, and to our other F3 Churham finishers Frozen Peas and Snots!
Crockett, our chaplain in residence was kind enough to take us out.
It’s a pleasure to start most of my mornings with the other PAX, and although it requires a bit more work, its always an honor to lead a workout. After posting tomorrow my family and I will head north for a couple weeks of vacation time with friends and family. My biggest concern about leaving Churham is missing out on F3. As we’ve charted our course there’s a chance of hitting up F3 Toledo on Friday, and then F3 Lake Effect in Kalamazoo/Grand Rapids next week. Unfortunately those regions don’t have workouts 5 days per week, and the way our travel schedules line up within the state, its going to be tough to catch them on a day that they do offer a workout. I’ve offered to Q a vacation site in Traverse City, MI if anyone from Kzoo or GR will be in the area, but so far have had no takers. The point of my rambling is, I’ll be out for a couple weeks, and that we should be thankful that we have so many great sites to choose from, 6 days per week in Churham. Get after it the next couple weeks fellas, and don’t forget to hit up the Honey Badger the next two Fridays, OPEC and Sweats will be your respective Qs.