Dora: the Ultimate Box Set

June 7, 2018

WHEN: 06/07/2018
QIC: Stop Drop & Roll
PAX: Tailspin (FNG), Weezer, Pink, Cheesesplint, TB, Stop Drop & Roll

I am of a generation that never watched Dora the explorer. Too old for it upon release, too young to have kids who watched. So all I know is that a quirky Latino child goes on adventures with talking objects like backpacks and maps to find things on the screen that are glaringly obvious to her audience. If you, like me, never had a chance to enjoy the educational wonders of learning basic Spanish while questioning the sanity of a 9 year old cartoon – boy o boy have I got a deal for you! Introducing: Dora: the Ultimate Box set…

6 PAX assembled on a B-E-A-Utiful morning at OCL including FNG Tail Spin (endocrinologist/pilot), who showed up solo (T-Claps from one solo first timer to another) after his wife sent him the @LoPair endurance magazine article earlier this week.

Weezer requested a beat down so that he’ll feel like he’s earned all the drinking and eating he’ll do on his upcoming beach vacation – ask and you shall receive – the Dora Ultimate Box Set has it all.


SSH x 20, Smurph Jacks x 10
WMH x 10
Arm Circles x 10
Grass grabbers x 10
Spider lunges x 10

The Thang:

Partner up
– To decide partners – 2 groups of 3 run hard around the track in opposite directions – pair up with the last person you see from the opposite direction group who doesn’t already have a partner – then as a team – mosie to the ledges at the back of the school.

Once Partnered, at ledges – Dora: the Ultimate Box (jumps) Set

Partners had to complete Dora on two fronts – pull ups + a box jump variation on the ledges… Once either exercise reached the required number – that partner returns and both partners work together to achieve the required number on the other front

– Season 1.) 25 pullups + 100 box jumps
○ P1 runs to pull up bars, completes good form pullups – between 5-10, returns and relieves P2
○ Once all groups completed – all together: dips x30

– Season 2.) 50 pullups + 75 box jump burpees
○ P1 runs to pull up bars, completes good form pullups – between 5-15
○ P2: BOX JUMP BURPEES – Pax Jump onto ledge, jump down, complete a burpee – that’s one.
○ Once all groups completed – all together: Ledge Plank Peter Parker (Deter Darkers?) x 15

An audible had to be called at this point due to the amount that 1.) box jump burpees sucked, and 2.) the next exercise would suck worse

– Season 3.) abruptly shortened to 50 pullups + 25 box facing burpees
○ P1 runs to pull up bars, completes good form pullups – between 5 – 15
○ P2: BOX FACING BURPEES – the PAX jump onto ledge, jump over ledge, turn to face the ledge, do a burpee, jump back onto ledge, jump back over ledge, turn to original position, burpee – this is one rep… see example)
○ Once all groups completed – all together: Derkins x 10; wide Derkins x 10; Diamond Derkins x 10

Mosie to the Parking lot for 1 minute of Mary

– Long slow flutter x 40

COT: Weezer prays to catch all of the fish this weekend. The rest of us pray that the fish are at least half as large as the stories that he comes back with.

Great showing this am – proud of these men for sticking with it – I felt like quitting 9 different times, and I’m pretty sure everyone else was about to mutiny after I explained box facing burpees. But in the end we, like Dora, pushed through until the quest was complete.