Coupon Swirl

April 4, 2019

WHEN: 04/04/2019
PAX: Botched, Blackball, Knope, Aujus, Stop Drop & Roll, TB

YHC has been eager to sling some coupons around, so yeah, let’s do it.

The morning began with an EC run by your’s truly.

Then, the PAX assembled in the gloom, and warmed up with some side shuffle hops, Willie Mays Hayes, imperial walkers, and some arm circles. A mosey around the school was followed by a few dips at the basketball court.

The ME:

Five coupon stations, get-ups, squats, curls, straight arm shoulder lifts, tricep extensions. One PAX ran the parking lot as a timer. Two rounds of coupons, then another lap around the school, stopping for a quick 5 merkin ring of fire at the basketball court

Stations: get-ups, squats, chest press, shoulder press, kettle bell swings. Two rounds.

Mary, dealer’s choice: flutter kicks, LBCs, v-up-roll-ups, box cutters, WWIIs, plank jacks, Parker Peters, 5 count high-low plank ring of fire.

COT: Run for Malawi tomorrow, The Gambler Saturday, Tar Heel Ten Miler next weekend.