Cheat Day

March 26, 2019

WHEN: 03/26/2019
QIC: Cosmo
PAX: Bellhop, WeedNFeed, Awesome Baby

Debated a BB for this, because it’s nothing special and may even be cheating!

But thought might be helpful to share if anyone ever finds themselves in a pinch, like a Q fartsacks or falls ill or whatever. Because all in all everyone got their money’s worth, even if no one was wowed by creativity.

See, what had happened was, call went out from WeedNFeed on Sunday for Q volunteers for today.

No takers as of Monday, so YHC volunteered, in part driven by a need to get back in the groove quickly after persevering through a half marathon Sunday despite being unable to train due to foot injury. (For real, the fact that that wasn’t a total disaster is a testament to the increased fitness level AND suck tolerance F3 has provided.)

Needed to make sure this one got the heart rate going for calorie-burning purposes, as first week of the Fat Ass Challenge didn’t go so hot for YHC. (Rambler and Green Acres lost 7 pounds, and Flenderson lost 5! In a week! YHC lost one…)

What gets the heart rate going? Tabatas! And aren’t there, like, a million apps for that? There are!

YHC downloaded this one yesterday.

After the basic warm-up stuff, we did whatever the app lady told us for four-minute stretches, 20 seconds going hard, 10 seconds rest. You know, Tabatas. With recovery jogs in between.

Six circuits with slightly different body area focuses. Tons of burpees and mountain climbers, among other stuff. Huffing and puffing ensued, along with a bit of mumble chatter.

Final circuit was ab stuff, in keeping with F3 custom. Closed things out with 10 burpees for good measure. No muss, no fuss.

Was this digital co-Q cheating? Possibly! But Mr. Burns, for one, says that’s OK.


The F3 South Durham folks are getting together Saturday for a workout/clean-up service project. Meeting at The Piranha at 6am for an hour-long workout, then we will commence with road cleanup along Revere from 7-8. Coffeeteria to follow at a location TBD. Come join us.

Tomorrow is dedicated to #F3MentalBattle. AOs here and all over the country will be taking some extra time in COT to discuss depression and suicide, to confront these problems head on and remind all PAX that we need to be looking out for one another.

YHC took us out. Always an honor to lead, even if today’s leadership consisted of “Do what the app lady says.”