SSH x20
Harvester x 20
Imperial Walker x10
Little Baby Arm Circles x12
…and the Reverse x12
Mountain Climbers x 25
Slow count Merkins x 10
High kicks x10
Mosey to rear of Dashi!
The Thang
Dora: 50 Burpees, 75 Monkey Humpers, 100 Tuck-jumps
Mosey to lot behind Post office
Bear Crawl to parking lot to the exit sign
Johnny Dramas at the Armory Steps in Honor of Happy G! x50
Mosey to the top of the Durham Centre Parking Garage
Step-ups 20 each leg OYO
Dips x15
Box Jumps 15 OYO
Derkins x 15
Step-ups 10 each leg OYO
Dips x10
Box Jumps 15 OYO
Derkins x 10
Follow Magellan…what?!
Mosey to back of Durham Arts Council
BTTW 5 count “ring of fire”
Mosey to CCB Plaza
My personal favorite: Jump Lung x10
Mosey to Startex
Flutter Kick x50
Hello Dolley x10
Box Cutter x10
Russian Hammer x10
T-claps to Happy Gilmore for past leadership and Magellan for taking up post as so-site Q (with Knope).
The Wolf…Leap Day
2nd F Feb 27(?) at Hunky Doorey on 9th st (DM soda for details)
Tragic death of Mike (soda’s subcontractor)