
August 7, 2021

WHEN: 08/07/2021
QIC: Catskill
PAX: Arthur, Banana skin, Bolt, Bump Draft, Crocs, Rambler, Uzi, Sharktank, Count Chocula, WaWa, Malware, Potter, Quicken, Spit Bucket, Funny Bone, Flap Jack, Spam, Golden Boy, Rebar, TB and night shift

22 started their day off right with a little brickfast. Here’s what happened…

Warm up:

Imperial Walker 10IC


3 inch worm

Hill Billy 10IC


Main event:

Mosey to parking lot. Everyone grab two bricks -never put the bricks down unless instructed to. We all do three brickees if you do.

Form a line, Ricky Bobby toward bike racks behind school store, last guy drops for five brickees, runs to front calling out next when passing.

Partner up at bike rack. P1 is timer, does ten inverted rows, P2 does jump squats with bricks overhead until P1 is done. Switch back and forth until each partner completes 50 IR.

All bear crawl through davis library covered corridor

Ricky Bobby toward Cobb parking garage last guy drops for five brickees, runs to front calling out next when passing.

Enter parking garage, run up to top. Stopping for ten Merkins on every even floor and  ten squats with bricks overhead on every odd. Same thing on the way down.

Form a line, Ricky Bobby back to Hooker Fields. last guy drops for five brickees, runs to front calling out next when passing.

All line up on sideline nearest Carmichael Arena. AYG run to school of government lower level parking deck to return bricks.


5 IC Absolution