Big Bombs at The Big House

October 24, 2018

WHEN: 10/24/2018
QIC: Chum
PAX: (17 Total) Marky Mark, Rambler, Zook, Gomer, Goat Cheese (Respect!), Duplo, Slayer, Fezzik (FNG), Fannie Mae, Nescafe, Boyardee, Bright Idea, Kosher, Paper Jam, Griswold, Closer, Chum

Title: Big House, Big Bombs


While five Murphs did Murph training for EC, YHC rolled into The Big House to see a hulking figure standing around in the parking lot.  I was pleased to see our new FNG (Eric Yalch) had finally posted; his M, on the other hand, may not have been quite as pleased.  She’s a regular at the Wednesday FiA workout, and his posting required her to stay home with the 2.0s.  Ah, the compromises of family life versus The Gloom.  The clock hit 0530 and off we went:



  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Slow Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Stretches


Main Event

Move to Traffic Circle for B.O.M.B.S:

  • Burpees
  • Overhead Clap
  • Merkins
  • LBCs (for those that care, Lexicon refers to Big Boy Sit Ups)
  • Squats


Round 1: 5 reps of each (Burpees single count together, all others IC), then 1 lap around the circle.

Round 2: 10 reps and then 2 laps

Round 3: 15 reps and then 3 laps

Round 4: 10 reps and then 2 laps

Round 5: 5 reps and then 1 lap


Bonus: During one of the laps, I noticed that our headcount appeared larger than when we began.  So, for shits and giggles, we lovingly knocked out 11 burpees.


Mary (x25 IC):

  • Flutterkicks
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Hello Dolly
  • Gas Pump

And then we wrapped the morning up with a Ring of Fire with 5 x Merkins.



  • BC F3 Banquet on 12/8 at the clubhouse.   Boyardee is prepping chow.  Good laughs (maybe even some tears) are guaranteed.
  • Next Tuesday’s (10/30) Rabbit will be held at 1730 instead of 0530. Still meeting at clubhouse.  Zook is leading a run around the ‘hood to take in the various Halloween decorations.  Costumes not required but highly encouraged.
  • Fannie Mae is actively fundraising for JDRF. Check Slack for additional details on how we can help.



Thanks much to the men for the opportunity to lead and for their support today; I do not take it for granted.  Marky Mark mentioned this in his message at Monday’s Thicket workout, and I wanted to just reiterate it here.  Given the current lottery fever, it’s compelling to sit back and think about all the stuff you want that you don’t have.  But we each have numerous blessings.  Be grateful for what you have.  Do not take it for granted.  Do not take F3 for granted.



  • My voice may or may not have cracked during some cadence counting. Maybe it’s a second puberty and I can finally get one of those growth spurts.
  • Bright Idea. Really, do I need to elaborate any further?  Something about ping pong balls.  And Thailand.  And some other stuff that I probably shouldn’t type on my work computer.  Once a Marine, always a Marine.
  • FNG Fezzik Name History – we learned he fenced while in college at UNC. Inigo Montoya was initially the front runner, but I don’t really think any of us “felt” it.  Boyardee to the rescue with Fezzik.  Appropriate name for our FNG, as he’s at least an inch (or twelve) taller than I…