Basketball Beatdown – Monday Night Finals!

April 6, 2017

WHEN: 04/06/2017
QIC: Spooky
PAX: Holmes, Moore, Pedro, Spooky

4 Pax posted at Pleasantville. Light on Pax because The Thicket was running a special workout.
Conditions: 48 degrees and humid.
Time for the Basketball Beatdown! Spooky brought a special “glow” basketball.
Circle up and start warm-up: Chest-passes with basketball, Squats with overhead pass of basketball, Air-circles.
Everyone grab a basketball. Jog down to the elementary school parking lot.
The Thang:
Part A – Suicides with the basketball in the parking lot. At half-court and full-court, perform five basketball burpees. A basketball burpee requires that you hold the ball with both hands, drop to ground, push-up on the ball, spring up, jump up with ball held overhead.
Rinse and repeat with another round of suicides.
Part B – Tribute to the Final Four Teams.
(Round 1 – Fighting Ducks) Holding the ball, walk like a duck in a squat position the length of the parking lot.
(Round 2 – Gamecocks) Ditch the ball, traveling merkins for the length of the parking lot.
(Round 3 – Bulldogs) Bulldog walk the length of the parking lot – similar to a bear crawl except chest and head are upright.
(Round 4 – Tarheels) Lunge walk with a kick of the knee in the air on each upward walk – like your pulling your leg out of tar.
Pickup the basketballs and run to the basketball courts.
Part C – Slam dunks and sprints. On the nine or eight foot hoops, standing jump with a slam dunk. After scoring 20 points, run around the entire perimeter of the court and return to your basketball goal. Repeat.
Run back to the green. Basketball WWII”s, and passing the basketball during WWII”s. (Keep your head and hands up or you may catch it in the chin.)
Go Heels!