An Uncommon Man*

August 24, 2020

WHEN: 08/24/2020
QIC: Grunge
PAX: Bump Draft, Mothman, Cricket, Spit Bucket, Paper Jam, Marky Mark, Huffy, Chum, Brotox, Catskills (R), Quicken (R), Duplo, RG3, Stubbs, Dueling Banjos, Zook, Splashback, FNG Kingpin

“To be an uncommon man, one needs to do uncommon things.”

My last Q was an OTB expansion with the men of Oak Park IL (F3 Chicago). That was March. We are nearly in September. Who would have ever guessed back then that we would be where we are today? Y’all can thank Splash for asking me to Q this am during Mystery Q month @ Thickbush Central. Or not.


SSH->AYG Sprint->SSH->AYG Sprint->Merkin->AYG Sprint->Merkin->AYG Sprint->BW Squat->AYG Sprint->BW Squat->AYG Sprint->LBC->AYG Sprint->LBC

All exercises, x15 (SC, except LBC, Cadence). A couple rounds of burpees thrown in coz I was starting to fall back asleep.

Run to Woods Playpen


Divide into 6 Groups. There are 6 stations. Exercises to be performed at each station is as follows:

1) Prisoner Jump Squats, x20 SC
2) Knee Up to Pull Up, x10 SC
3) Walkout/Inch Worm Merkins, x10 SC
4) Leg Raise to Heaven Press, x15 SC
5) Atomic Burpees, x10 SC

6) Shoulder to Knee Taps, x10 IC

Get through as many rounds of the above as possible. Goal is 6 rounds. I placed myself in the group with our FNG this morning to give him a proper and hospitable welcome. As such, we toned things down a bit pace wise and got through a fairly respectable 5 rounds. On round 3-4, our FNG peeled off to spill merlot. Like my old X-Country coach used to preach, if you ain’t puking, you ain’t working hard enough. Well done, FNG.

Called it with a few minutes to spare, and led the group back to StartEx for:
Mary, Quite Contrary
Speed Squats, SC
Burpees, SC
Mtn Climbers, IC
Merkins, DC
Jump Lunges, 1-2
High Knees, 1-2
All exercises, x6. Got thru a couple rounds before the F3 police shut it down.



– F3 Chat gear avail. Deetz/link on Slack. You have two weeks to get your order in.

– Tibbers this Sat, Iron Pax & Yoga. EC 0530. ME 0630.

– Invite to join me (Grunge) for my BC DIY 100 sched for 10/10. Run as much or as little as you want. Or not.


– Wilkommen FNG Kingpin


There is a saying that actions speak louder than words. Well, like a rudder steers a ship, a person’s core beliefs governs their actions. One’s perception of reality, regardless of whether it is based upon truth, shapes their core beliefs. For me, you may say that you believe in freedom, liberty, and justice for all, but if you judge a person solely based on the color of their skin, you are racist. You may say you believe in love and equality, but if you believe women are lesser, then you are sexist. You may say and do what is considered “right,” but if your core beliefs are wrong, then your character is flawed. You are flawed. Be strong at your core, brothers. For no matter what trials you face or go through, no matter what struggle you find yourself in, so long as your core is solid as stone, you will stand true. Everyday, set your compass to what is good and just, challenge your perceptions. Strengthen your core. Be a person of character. Aye.