A Great Place To Die

December 6, 2018

WHEN: 12/05/2018
QIC: Yanni
PAX: Minecraft

It’s hard to believe that the Earl has turned 1 years old today. It’s a small group but it’s a very close group. In a smaller group you get to know each other better than you do in the bigger groups. You start to care about the men and their…, wait a dammit minute, did my heart grow 3 sizes just then? Well, that’s enough of that.

Cue the AC/DC: If You Want Blood
Warm Up
WMH ( now would be a great time to play that air instrument you’re awesome at )
Mtn. Climbers

Run down Salisbury st. stopping in the Piggly Wiggly parking lot
Jacob’s ladder with burpees

Back on the street
Lunge each parking space, stopping for 5 squats at each line

Bear Crawl Fayetteville Street, get hit by a car, nothing serious, and traveling burpees to end of street.

Walk Walkers down by the Funeral Home. YHC antidotes that Pittsboro is an awesome town to die in with all the cops, ambulances, funeral homes and grave yards.

Mosey over to the pile of pavers.
Curlsx20, Over head press x 20, Curlsx10, dead liftsx10, 1 hand on black merkins, mountain climbers – repeat x2

Jog up to court house.
Minecraft comes up with a new move that will a staple at the Earl untill they tear the monument down.
I’d tell you what the move is, but you’ll have to come down and see it to believe it.

Mosey back to the AO and disband.

Minecraft and CHiPs are the new site Qs of the Earl. The Key to the city is yours!

While not present today, this group has become friends to me and I look forward to see each man down here and hope for good things to come. Don’t Die. Aye!