A Back-to-School Workout at the School

August 28, 2017

WHEN: 08/28/2017
QIC: Sir Mix-a-Lot
PAX: Eddie the Eagle, Homes, Pedro, Rudy, Cousin Vinny, Spooky, Moore, Boo Boo, Sherman, Singlet, Babyface, Sir Mix-a-Lot, Fingers (EC 5k only), Red October (EC Ruck only)

After a long and miserably hot summer, Fall finally showed up.  The kids went back to school, the temperature is in the low 60s, and the pax are back from vacation.  Three showed up really early (4:45 – yikes) for a ruck, 5 showed up early (5:05) for a 5k, one of each left after EC (something about having to get kids off to school), and 12 stayed for a good time under the guidance of Sir Mix-a-Lot.  Here’s what happened:

Warm up:

  • 10 x arm circles, forward and reverse, IC
  • 20 x Imperial Walkers IC
  • 25 x SSH IC
  • 15 x Willie Mays Hays

The thang:

  • Mosey to wall
  • 10 dips IC, 5 burpees, 10 derkins IC, 5 burpees, 10 dips IC, 10 jump squats, 10 derkins
  • Mosey to Scroggs playground
  • Groups of 3: man 1 does 50 sit ups, man 2 is on pull ups/negative pull ups/dead hang, man 3 is helping and talking. Rotate so each man does every activity twice.
  • Mosey to Market St green
  • Bear crawl/crawl bear hokey pokey suicides. You do your bear crawl in. You do the crawl bear out… Bear crawl to first cone, crawl bear back. 5 burpees. Bear crawl to second cone, crawl bear back. 5 burpees. Bear crawl to third cone, crawl bear back.


  • 5 merkin Ring of fire
  • 20 x Flutter kicks


We’re fortunate, lucky, blessed to be able to come out for the morning gloom. Others may be hampered by injury (thinking about you, Zika!), lame excuses, or something more insidious. YHC encouraged the PAX to identify people that might just need a nudge to make the effort work out at F3 or in some other way more fully realize their potential. Life is short—appreciate it, make the most of it!

The Send-Off:

The pax had done a great job of being respectful of our neighbors and keeping the noise down this morning.  Unfortunately, these efforts were negated when one pax pushed the button to open his car door and it just started honking uncontrollably.