So the rain makes a sandbag heavier?

January 24, 2019

WHEN: 01/24/2019
QIC: Griswold
PAX: Flenderson, Griswold

It was finally warm. It was also raining like a biblical flood. The combination of conditions meant only 2 PAX were willing to hit AMRAP this AM. (though credit to Commodore and Wreckless as they were rucking from 0445 in the downpour).


SSH x 20IC

Arm Circles


The Thang:

Yesterday was some kickass ruck PT at Pollard. The workout was tough (courtesy of GoRuck, with some mods made by the PAX). When 0530 hit and YHC was alone in the parking lot I made the decision to make that workout AMRAP as in as many ROUNDS as possible. Instead of a ruck, I would use a sandbag. As YHC resolved to the solo workout Flenderson pulled into the lot and made it a party of 2! YHC had a 40# and 60# sandbag in the trunk (I always do, you guys do too, right?), so we were covered.

The workout was:

20 Flutters IC w/ sandbag overhead

10 Situps with sandbag overhead

20 American Hammers (SC this time as the weight was 10-30#s heavier than yesterday and it was AWFUL yesterday).

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

20 One Arm Overhead Squats

10 Sandbag Plank Pull Through (IC)

The workout as written by GoRuck is for 3 rounds and then a ruck. For AMRAP purposes we did as many rounds as possible by 0615. 4 rounds were completed.


No mary as the workout contained:

80 IC flutters w/ weight overhead

40 SC situps w/ weight overhead

80 SC American Hammers w/ weight

40 IC Plank w/ weighted pull through


Flenderson and YHC were able to vent out some work related frustration between fits of labored breathing this AM. It was good to have the chance to sounds off regarding some of the things that have been happening recently, and good to help do that for another PAX as well. It has been a challenging month plus for YHC with work stressors, but the opportunity to get out and workout in the gloom has alleviated that to a degree. It has also helped to talk to some of the fellow PAX about those things that are adding stress to the equation. Don’t forget that the point of F3 isn’t just to get into better shape. It is to build fellowship with other men in your community. The reason for that fellowship is to have a support system and be that support system.