The Resetting Parking Deck Escalator

July 21, 2017

WHEN: 07/21/2017
QIC: Coco
PAX: Nickelback, Limburger, Gibson, Virgo, Bouffe, Crocket, Mr. Brady, Fish & Chips, Coco & Hightower (FNG)

10 PAX escaped the fartsack to brave the Hillsborough humidity awaiting us at Duck & Weave.

First off:  Tclaps to Nickelback for leading the way for the northern Churham expansion effort.  Along with fellow Hillsborough residents & F3 regulars: Virgo, Bouffe, Gibson & Limberger – the core crew in HBO is growing stronger.   Don’t be surprised when a 2nd Hillsborough AO hits the map in the coming months (see COT notes below).  His skillful engagement of social media (Twitter, Nextdoor, etc.) has resulted in the SC of a 76yr old neighbor whom the PAX were expecting to welcome at Duck & Weave. Alas, the elder statesman did not post (yet!) but we were gifted with the addition of another FNG – Hightower – who revealed that rucking has been one of his recent athletic outlets.
Editor’s note: Hightower – You have now stumbled upon a few new ruck friends to keep you company & engage you with copious amounts of #ruckmumblechatter.

The Warmup

SSH (x100 IC) – (We were going to stop at 76 to honor the expected 76yr old FNG, but just kept going)
Willie Mays Hayes (x15 IC)
Arm Circles (x10 fwd; x10 rev)
Body Weight Squat (x15 IC)
Merkins (x76 SC; 4 sets of 19) – The result of a planned gesture of respect for the expected FNG

The Thang

With arms nicely-loosened from 76 warmup (?!) merkins, the PAX were given their mission.
The Resetting Parking Deck Escalator
Exercise – run to 1st level – exercise – run back to the start.
Exercise – run to 2nd level – exercise + exercise – run back to the start.
Exercise – run to 3rd level – exercise+ exercise + exercise – run back to the start.
…keep adding levels and exercises at each of those levels…unless you run out of levels (or time!).

Specifically, this is what we did:
10 burpees OYO: Sprint to level 1 of the deck.  1 minute of burpees (AMAP: as many as possible)
Recover on the mosey back down to the very bottom.

10 burpees OYO: Sprint to level 2 of the parking deck.
1 minutes of burpees; 1 minute of tuck jumps (all AMAP)
Recover on the mosey back down to the very bottom.

10 burpees OYO: Sprint to level 3 of the parking deck.
1 minute of burpees; 1 minute tuck jumps; 1 minute WWIIs (all AMAP)
Recover on the mosey back down to the very bottom

10 burpees OYO: Sprint to level 4 of the parking deck.
1 minute burpees; 1 minute tuck jumps; 1 minute WWIIs; 1 minute merkins (all AMAP)

10 burpees OYO: Sprint to level 5 of the parking deck.
1 minute burpees; 1 minute tuck jumps; 1 minute WWIIs; 1 minute merkins (all AMAP).
No more time to add a 5th exercise (also noted; no complaints).

Our final 1 minute round of AMAP merkins brought us perfectly to 0615 and a much-needed slight breeze in the air.  We remained atop the upper level deck for COT.


2ndF next Thursday; July 27th at The Glass Jug in Durham.  See #2ndF channel in Slack for details.

Bouffe (the newest Hillsborough resident among the PAX) inquired about steps to establish yet another HBO AO.  Nickelback’s smile got even wider & brighter than it already is and provided the response.  A potential location was discussed and the wheels set in motion.  Stay tuned for more…

Continued prayers for Melissa (the GF of Ito’s son Henry), Aly (Melissa’s young sister) & their family.  They continue to cope with the results of a tragic car accident that has left Aly in a coma.
If your hearts lead you to consider offering support, donations via the link below would greatly benefit the family.