Lap around the peanut
10x goodmorning
17x mountain climbers
10x merkins
5x burpees
Grab a rock and hold it over head to the top field by the road (the field that never gets any F3 lovin’)
The Thang:
7’s circuit with frog jumps at the top and bottom and backwards bunny hop up the hill and forwards bunny hop down the hill, on the small hill leading up to the field. A few months back YHC attempted this same circuit on the longer and steeper hill only to switch up the exercises less than halfway though. So this time it was all or nothing…and everyone finished.
Next we moved to the field to show it some love and to celebrate 7/6/17! What is so important about 7/6/17 you ask? Well nothing really, but if you rearrange the numbers you get 1776! So in that vein we did and ‘X’ and an ‘O’ on the field so we got to see all aspects of the field. For the ‘X’ we sprinted the long axis, shuffle and touch the one short axis, and in the corners we did 17 burpees, 76 merkins (well Sweats did atleast), 13 (7+6) donkey kicks. For the ‘O’ we backwards ran, Karaoked, bear crawled and rock dragged the lengths and in the corners we did 21(1+7+7+6) lunge jumps, 17 frog jumps, and 76 curls.
The horseflies are still alive and well at TR, one almost lost its life on Slow pitch’s bottom.
Rocks over head back to the rock pile. Did some leg work on the wall at the playground: calf raises, one leg step ups, wall mountain climbers, jump rope.
Mary: Can’t remember the rep numbers but we did some chill cuts, apple pickers, hammers
COT: Slow Pitch gave an impassioned sales pitch for volunteers for a soccer camp for kids, check it out on slack churham-news.