08/26/2024 The Thicket – It was a good morning for some strange newish exercises : ), a tiny bit of traveling, & some time in the field at the Park.

August 31, 2024

WHEN: 08/26/2024
QIC: DeWater
PAX: Re-Up, Marky Mark, Atta-Boy, Dunphy

* 10 Plank walk outs / 15 side straddle hops / 15 merkins / 15 micheal phelps / 15 willy mays hayes / 15 harvesters
Mosey to Briar Chapel Park
Leg 1:
* 10 merkins to side plank kickout / 20 lateral lunge to knee tuck ups / 20 squat pulse jumps / 20 reserve lunge windmills
Mosely lap around the field
Leg 2:
* 10 X 8 counts duck walk squats / 15 merkin plank knee touch / 15 lateral bound burpees / 15 crabby patties
Mosey around the field
Leg 3:
* 15 lateral bear crawl to bird dog / 15 prisoner good mornings / 15 slo mo merkins / 15 bent over rows
Mosey back to AO field
*10 bo's & toes plank reach / 15 ski abs / 10 side planks left & right
Announcements: F3 Lunch at Lowes on Friday / Reminded everyone to sign up on Q sheets by going to top of Channel in Slack and clicking on link at the top to get to the Q sheets
Prayer Requests: Prayers for Zook and his Momma
Circle of Trust: Reading from Sirach – There are set before you fire & water, to whichever you choose stretch forth your hand. Before man are life & death, whichever he chooses shall be given him. Choose Life!