08/03/2022 News – Shared Leadership Team Meeting #7

August 4, 2022

WHEN: 08/03/2022
QIC: Knope
PAX: Bellhop, Bump Draft, Castaway, Maraschino, Nickelback, Nightshift, Rambler, Uzi, Vice

As we developed the agenda for the July meeting it seemed to be shaping up into our most business like meeting that we've had yet. From my perspective, this is a good thing. Although talking business isn't as much fun as who was the latest fartsack (for more info on the degrees of FS, talk with Hutz and Cousin Vinny), movement in the AOQs (welcome Bronze Squirrel, O-Shag-Hennessey, Misery, Brotox and Dueling Banjos), or what the next 2nd F is (Dad Camp), it does represent a step towards maturity of our SLT, and what we're working on for the region.

Instead of starting off with our usual reports, we jumped right into business.

1. Maraschino and Bump Draft reviewed updated QIC and AOQ responsibility documents. Hat tip to Maraschino's predecessor Cosmo, who also had a hand in drafting these documents. After an additional forthcoming review by the SLT, we'll post them on Slack for everyone to reference.

2. In an effort to make EHing PAX easier, our SLT has discussed putting together some F3 Churham Business Cards, as well as some Yard Signs that we can display next to the Shovel Flags. The SLT reviewed the first draft of cards that Castaway put together, and have asked for some updates heading into a final draft. The SLT thought the signs may be a nice touch, but decided to hold off on them for now. We'll keep you posted on the F3 business cards…

3. Nickelback filled us in on a Mental Health Initiative that we are going to pilot with the Site Qs first to test using personal coaching resources around mental health support. We're targeting a 3 month pilot before rolling it out to the PAX in general. While our physical 1st F is taken care of in the Gloom, this is another tool that we can use to make sure our PAX are taking care of their mental 1st F too. Thank you for your work so far on this Nickelback and Moore!

4. Hat tip to Rambler for being our first ever rucking Q. Rambler very respectfully stepped away from the SLT during our meeting to focus on some personal items. Rambler, thank you for your work on behalf of Churham and supporting so many ruckers. Scapula has agreed to step into the role of Ruck Q, and I am certain that he'll utilize Rambler as his consigliere.

5. The Bull is coming up on October 30, Floyd is looking for help with the event, please DM him for more info.

We finished with a quick round table that included:
– Nightshift suggested that we all take a listen to episode 157 of the 43 Feet Podcast. The topic is "Followership", and as much as we talk about leaders in this group, we often overlook that a good leader is also a good follower. I listened to the podcast today, and highly recommend it. Thank you Nighshift.
– YHC gave a quick update on the recently held Q School Quickie. It seemed to go well, and generated some good discussion. If anyone would like me to do a Q School Quickie at your AO, DM me. I'd be happy to take the show on the road. Better yet, if you want to lead a QSQ yourself, let me know, I'm very open to sharing my outline, and having others take it on. Part of building strong leaders is taking the time to teach other men.
– YHC reminded the team that we need to start thinking about the next generation of the SLT. Each position on the SLT is a two year term, and we do not want to have all of our experience transfer off at the same time. So for our first year we have one 1st F Q, one 2nd F Q, one 3rd F Q, and one Expansion Q that will be rotating off in December. When the next PAX take on the role, they'll start a two year position helping to lead our region.

With that our time was up, no roundtable reports. We'll likely have them back next month, but today we had too much business.

Your SLT has continued to evolve this year, which is a sign of our group growing positively. I am encouraged by the leadership that has come from this group so far, and the willingness to think through new ideas, codify certain processes, and help the AOs and our PAX be a success. We are paving the next 43 feet of road for all of you and the PAX that come after us.

Thank you for the opportunity that you've given our SLT members and me to lead our region.