Facing East

May 7, 2021

WHEN: 05/07/2021
QIC: Botched/OPEC
PAX: Jasmine, Magellan, Kia, Knope, Bell’s, Treehorn, Banana Split

OPEC and YHC were scheduled to make the short trek up North to the #honeybadger back in March, but some poorly timed Thunderstorms didn’t care. We were excited to finally be able to reschedule, and planned a Q-Swap Friday with esteemed AOQ Coxswain, who traveled South to take over #thefalcon today.


It was a misty cool morning as 9 PAX gathered in the gloom around the flag pole at City Hall. OPEC introduced us and led us through the Warm-up


  • SSH
  • Merkins
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins
  • WMH
  • Imperial Walker




PAX then took a Mosey down to the Corner of Hunt and Foster Street (of note, the above route was the plan, but OPEC called an audible and extended the run down Mangum street, turning left on Hunt and taking a little neighborhood tour instead. Appreciate the extra miles OPEC!)


YHC then explained the plan: PAX were to travel down 4 spokes on a wheel, performing 25 Merkins at the end of each spoke, and 5 Burpees each time they returned to the middle. The twist – PAX were to always face EAST. So, forward run up Hunt St going East, backward run back to center. Side shuffle North up Foster, and side shuffle back. Karaoke South down Foster, and Karaoke back to center. Backward run up West up the Hunt street hill, and forward run back to center.


PAX completed this admirably, and tried to signal to YHC that they were ready to move on by bringing back the marker cones that YHC had set up at the end of each spoke. But we weren’t done yet! Rinse and repeato, with the same travel, and the same burpees, but this time with 15 perfect form Body Weight Squats at the end of each spoke instead (it is Form Week, after all).


Now it really was time to move on. OPEC led PAX on a Mosey up to Major the Bull to pay tribute. Just look at that face!


PAX performed 2 sets each of IC Dips and Derkins around Major, followed by an obligatory 5 Jackass Merkins OYO.

OPEC then led the PAX to the large brick wall at the corner of Mangum and Parrish for 2 sets each of People’s Chair and Balls to the Wall.

YHC led the PAX back to Startex for


  • Flutter Kick x 50
  • Heels to Heaven x 20
  • Ring of Fire – 5 shoulder taps/side/man, holding Plank awaiting your turn


No Announcements today. Prayers of gratitude for a beautiful morning, and the good health to gather and exercise together. It was good to see the men of the Honey Badger this morning, and all PAX that completed the workout were rewarded with a beautiful coral sunrise. YHC took us out. Aye!