Rock Fun and Making Up for Lost Mary

March 12, 2021

WHEN: 03/12/2021
QIC: Gilligan
PAX: ROYGBIV, Muzungu, Buffay, Nubbin, Milton, Dinghy, Delani

First back blast here, so bear with me. YHC had the Q on a beautiful Friday morning. Temp was close to 60 degrees at the start of the ME. The Duck and Weave site has gotten into a great habit of knocking out some EC work on Friday mornings, but YHC ran an EC 5K solo this morning (completely understandable given the late start times for the ACC tournament).


Warm Up:

PAX circled up in the Weaver Street parking lot and ran through warm ups.

Side Shuffle Hops

Tappy Tap Taps

Pickle Swings

Tempo Merkins

Michael Phelps

Two PAX were late so the group knocked out 10 penalty burpees together.


PAX moseyed together to a nearby rockpile, divided up into 4 groups of two, and knocked out the following DORA exercise:

One PAX completed 15 yards of weighted lunges, and then rifle carried his rock back to his partner. The other partner knocked out the following reps which were completed cumulatively by the teams:

75 x Weighted Squat Thrusters

125 x Curls

125 x Goblet Squats

100 x Weighted Overhead Press


The PAX then moseyed over to the courthouse and did 2 sets of the following:

20 x Dips IC

20 x Bodyweight Squats IC


YHC has shorted the group on Mary on his two most recent bootcamp Qs, so the PAX moseyed back to the parking lot and lined up on one end. Each PAX would call out an ab exercise (done by the remaining PAX) and would run to the opposite end of the lot as the timer.

Q was completed with a parking lot line BearCrawl/Merkin/CrawlBear sets before prayer requests/announcements and Name-O-Rama.