Yesterday, 11/22, was YHC’s M’s birthday. Often, PAX will celebrate their birthday Q’s with rep counts of their age. As it is never polite to share a lady’s age, the PAX got to partake in a belated celebration of the M’s birthday date itself: 11/22. Nine PAX gathered in the gloom to get this party started.
- SSH x 22
- LBAC/Reverse x 11
- Imperial Walker x 11
- WMH x 11
- Good Morning x 11
- Body Weight Squat x 22
PAX were divided into two teams: Team Left, and Team Right. The Eagle is lucky enough to have 12 total pull-up stations, so each PAX was given his own contact point for pull-ups. By splitting into two teams, PAX were ensured appropriate physical distance while doing those pull-ups.
Dueling Jacob’s Ladders:
- Team Left – 1 pull-up/10 Merkins, then 2 pull-ups/9 Merkins, etc.
- Team Right – 10 pull-ups/1 Merkin, then 9 pull-ups/2 Merkins
After both teams completed their Jacob’s Ladders, we all took a distanced Mosey to the drop-off lane, up by the street.
Jacob’s Ladder Round 2
- Start just past 1st street light, at traffic arrows on pavement
- 1 Bobby Hurley (its almost college hoops season!)
- Backward run uphill to crosswalk
- 10 Burpees
- Mosey back down
- 2 BH/9 Burpees, and etc.
Mosey to front of the school. Back into two groups, for distancing purposes. Groups alternated through the following exercises:
- 22 Dips IC
- 22 Tuck Jumps
- 22 Derkins SC
- 22 Tuck Jumps
- 22 Urkins SC
- 22 Tuck Jumps
Mosey back to Startex
- 44 Flutter Kicks
- 33 LBCs IC
- 22 Heels to Heaven
- 11 Hello Dolly
- 22 Alternating Shoulder Taps
- 22 Knee Taps (from Bear Plank)
No Announcements or Prayer Requests
YHC took us out. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving Week!