Birthday Ball Rub

August 9, 2019

WHEN: 08/06/2019
QIC: Cricket
PAX: Paperboy, Jinx, Rambler, Griswold, Dueling Banojs, Splashback, Zook, Jingles, Brotox, Bright Ideas, Grunge, Iron lung, Vespa

The 2 year anniversary ‘happily’ coincided with the 10 mile Tuesday, YHC was very pleased to see such an interest and turn out. YHC was less pleased about forgetting to put Vaseline on his nether regions.

Warm Up

SSH, WMH, Cankle Stretches.


The 10 milers departed at 0450 and set an ambitious pace making YHC question lots of his basic life decisions. A fairly uneventful first trip round the circuit meant that the 5 milers were met in good time.

Again a good pace was set but the group began to get a bit splintered, YHC and 1 Pax made a ‘Unilateral Declaration of Independence’ and took a short cut. We started to feel somewhat guilty when images of the group doubling back and eventually calling Heli-Rescue to look for coyote ravished bodies flashed through our minds. Luckily it turns out the motto ‘No Man Left Behind’ doesn’t apply to the Rabbit……

A disparate amount of distances were tallied on completion, which led to 106.84m group effort at average pace of ‘I don’t know because maths is not my strong suit’. The amount of nipple/ball chaffing would indicate a good work out tho.


2 rounds of 2 Merkin Ring of Fire, then hunting the rest of the group to ensure no coyotes were well fed.


Thirsty Third Thursday on Aug 15 at The Wall, bring booze, apparently Brotox has some complicated games that only he can win.


YHC has been travelling recently and not paying as much attention as he should to keeping exercising, this was brought into stark relief by his effort on this event, having to cut short by about 1.5 miles. It goes to show that any kind of conditioning is easily lost by inattention and a good motivator for keeping going. Still fun to be out in the gloom with a bunch of cool chaps tho! AYE!