6 Stations and No Power

January 18, 2018

WHEN: 01/18/2018
QIC: Griswold
PAX: Chef Tell, Grunge, Rambler

The men of AMRAP collectively could think of no better way to celebrate a post double-digit snowfall day than with a good workout. The Frozen and Frigid Tundra of Briar Chapel played backdrop to our festivities.  Three met on the road to AMRAP for a Ruck to the AO as roads were not otherwise passable, and a Ruck and some coupons (in the form of a 40# Sandbag, a 6kg Med Ball, and a snow shovel) is clearly the best and safest way to travel in winter conditions. Once at the AO some quick snow removal with the aforementioned shovel was completed to clear a workspace, while Rambler did parking lot laps to compete his mile ruck. To continue EC the PAX performed very cold pull-ups.


See above paragraph, at this point PAX were as warm as they were likely to get.

Just as the 3 PAX were about to begin Grunge silently appeared to make 4!

The Thang:

YHC endeavored to come up with a workout that would give the PAX the lowest probability of falling down embarrassingly. We began with 2 minutes of AMRAP merkins or squats depending on preference. The PAX then took the number they achieved and worked with 25% of that (example, YHC did 70 Merkins and used 17 as a working number).

The PAX performed the below circuit with 60 seconds work, 30 seconds rest. The rest started with active rest where the PAX performed the 25% of Merkins or Squats and rested the rest of the period. 4 rounds were completed and 60 seconds rest was awarded between rounds.

The Circuit:

  • Sandbag Clean and Press 40#
  • Front plate raise with straight arms to overhead 25#
  • Band Curls
  • Bent over lateral raises with 10 # plates in each hand (alternate was OH Squats)
  • Air Squat or Lunge
  • Med Ball Slams 6kg

In the middle of this deceptively awful circuit the lights all went dead at the AO, so the PAX provided the power! Closing down early was briefly contemplated and the unanimous decision was to continue. With a couple of headlamps and some good ‘Ol fashioned grit the PAX pushed through.


Snow Angles were considered, but abandoned due to time constraints. Mary was therefor canceled.


No announcements were made; honestly YHC likely forgot to ask for them as the cold was bordering on unbearable. Lighting the gas fireplaces in the PAX homes using the battery backup was discussed.


YHC read a quote by James Allen out of his book, “As a Man Thinketh”:

Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditions, but when he realizes that he is a creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the rightful master of himself…

Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself”

For YHC the message here is to own what happens in your life and grow from it. You can rise to the occasion or shrink from it, and we should always be ready to face any circumstance. Avoid excuses for failure and claim credit for earned success. If we are the driving force in our own lives nothing will be outside of our control.

The PAX then all rucked back home with coupons in tow and a workout crushed.