10/04/2022 The Piranha – A Rambler Worthy Q

October 9, 2022

WHEN: 10/04/2022
QIC: Boucher
PAX: Awesome Baby, Cardiac, Castaway, Count Chocula, Crash Cart, Floyd, Geppetto, Hutz, Kia, Knope, Loonie, Palino, Pikachu, Scapula, Thirstay, Vixen

Rambler was scheduled to Q at Churham's Friendliest AO, but was looking for someone to cover the Q, and YHC had the good fortune to be slack scrolling when the opportunity to present itself. Rambler was planning to bring bring a bench press from his home, and while YHC didn't have a bench, there were the Piranha cinder blocks. Was hoping to present a Rambler Worthy Q to Men of Piranha – per Floyd's request and Rambler's approval.

YHC was feeling some significant full body soreness from Right Swipe's Kenan Burner the day before, so there was an extended warm up to break up the soreness.
SSH IC x 10
IW IC x 10
HB IC x 10
Slow Squat x 10
WMH IC x 10
Mountain Climbers IC x 10
Manafort Good morning x 10
Bat Wing (extended – arm circles, michael phelps, Moroccan night club, cherry picking, chinooks, shoulder press)

The Thang
We counted off by threes – 3 groups of 6, one group of five for three rotation stations and moseyed to the cinder blocks.

Group one started with AMRAP negative chest press with a cinder block. The first person that could no longer keep up the regular reps, stops, puts the cinder block down and starts an alternative exercise, until the next person has to stop and he chooses the exercise the group does until the next persons stops and so on and so forth…The guys who seemed to get the most chest reps in seemed to be Pikachu and Loonie. This group served as the timer, once they finished up, they rotated to station 2 —>

Station 2 was at picnic tables and was a combination of erkins, derkins and dips. the next rotation was station 3

Station 3 was a kettle bell swing timer. Each PAX would do 25 kettle bell swing on a 45lb kettle bell and instruct the other PAX what exercise to do while he was swinging.

We were able to get in one complete rotation for each group and then returned the cinder blocks and moseyed back to startex.

LBC IC x 20
Rosalita IC x 20
Flutter Kick IC x 20
Heels to Heaven IC x 20
Peter Parker Peter IC x 10
Downward Dog/Cobra Stretch

We pumped the Quarterly Report, the Bull and teased the holiday season philanthropic effort lead by Moore and Nickleback. Prayers for Mr. Brady as he goes through his latest health challenge – please reach out to him and prayers for

Grateful to be with this group and reach out to those in need!
