1 percent

April 30, 2019

WHEN: 04/30/2019
QIC: My Little Pony
PAX: Castaway, Bellhop, Slow Pitch, Floyd, Malware, Boucher, Cardiac, Cosmo, MLP

The Piranha is a great AO that’s only about 10 minutes for YHC’s house. Unfortunately, traveling for work and traditionally being a Monday/Weds/Friday guy has meant that YHC had only been once before today. The great camaraderie of the South Durham crew on slack, inspired YHC to change that and get on the Q sheet to ensure a return visit.

And then it almost didn’t happen. YHC’s phone charger had come lose from the wall last night and avoided detection. So when the alarm went off this morning, YHC’s battery sat firmly on 1%. Thankfully, the ol’ iphone had just enough juice left in the tank to make sure YHC could get back to the Piranha and help the South Durham PAX give it 100% this morning.


SSH x 20 (IC)

WMH x 10 (IC)

Harvester x 10 (IC)

Seal Jack x 20 (IC)

Slow Merkin x 10 (IC)

MC x 20 (IC)

Since, YHC has not seen much of the AO, he laid out the Q with the part of site he knew well – the parking lot.

4 corner escalators: 5/10/15/20 reps

Round 1 – Bear Crawl between Merkins at each corner

Round 2 – Crawl Bear (opposite direction) between hitting 15/10/5 Merkins on the way back

Round 3 – Lunge Walk between Squat Jumps at each corner

Round 4 – Reverse Lunge Walk between 15/10/5 Squat Jumps on the way back

Round 5 – Crab Walk between Burpees at each corner

Round 6 – Backwards Run between 15/10/5 tuck jumps on the way back


Freddie Mercury x 20 (IC)

Superman Ring of Fire – 10 count from each PAX

Lemon Squeezers x 20 (IC) – legs six inches off ground out in front, back at 45 degree angle, arms out straight by legs – make a rowing motion, bringing both knees and arms back in to your chest and then extend back out to starting position.

Alternating High and Low Plank Hold Ring of Fire – 10 count from each PAX


The Bull – 10/26

Malware’s May Pull-up Challenge – join the monthly challenge channel on Slack and help create new ones for each month. There is also a monthly ruck challenge channel to check out if you’re interested.

Need more PAX to sign the Chapel Hill Tough – coming up Memorial Day weekend (also a light if you want to double down)

YHC took us out.