09/09/2022 Honey Badger – It took YHC 20,074 days to earn this Q

September 9, 2022

WHEN: 09/09/2022
QIC: Kia
PAX: Jasmine, King ll, Prince Atari, Dial up, Nucky, Cool J

It took me 20,074 days to get to this workout.

Warm up: Regular/ normal stuff

Once everyone was warmed up, YHC queued up the music (playlist included among others: Godsmack, Aerosmith, Ac/Dc, Peter Gabriel, and Van Halen). Parking lot checked for crazed lunch ladies in cars.
And we got busy:

54 years and 364 days ago, YHC began what has been an awesome journey so far. So what better way to “celebrate” but to do sets of 54 reps.
The exercises were (not in this order): Standing Lunge, low slow squat, Mtn. climbers, merkin, smurf jack, Carolina dry dock, monkey humper, Freddie mercury, LBC, and shoulder tap.
Between each set we did 5 burbees and then an extra four at the end.
54 monkey humpers are brutal so after those were done, a quick lap around the parking lot was needed to stretch our legs.

It was truly the party- music was played, merlot was spilled. Hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves.

Announcements: UNC’s ROTC is hosting the annual 9/11 stair climb on Sunday- sign up sheets are on slack.
The Bull is the last Saturday of October. Disclaimer: It is mandatory to talk about The Bull when two or more PAX gather during September and October
YCH took us out
It’s hard to believe that almost 55 years have gone by. Time is only going by more quickly. I remember being young and wanting to be a college kid, being a college kid and wanting to be a working adult with money and beautiful woman all around. Now, I’m “approaching” middle age and I’ve realized that if we spend our time wishing for the future- we may miss the awesome moments RIGHT NOW.
Take a moment, enjoy the scenery, enjoy where you are and what is going on. There is no guarantee about there actually being a tomorrow.
Thank you for joining me this morning