Warm up:
20 Side Straddle hops
15 michael phelps
20 merkins
10 willy mays hayes
Ricky Bobby 1/2 way to park and do 15 mountain climbers
Mosey to the park
Main Event:
10 mike tyson merkins in cadence
right bear crawl up the hill
10 mike typson merkins in cadence
left bear crawl down the hill
10 side kick throughs
crab walk up the hill
10 side kick throughs
reverse crab walk down the hill
10 spider man merkins
bernie sanders up the hill
10 spider man merkins
bunny hop down the hill
10 bos & toes plank reach
mosey back to pavillion
15 dips
15 step ups
mosey back to ao
10 crab patties
15 flutter kicks
15 plank jacks