04/26/2024 West End – Gravity Falls

April 26, 2024

WHEN: 04/26/2024
QIC: Big Kat
PAX: Slugg, Baywatch, Pumpkin, Tricurious, Yo-Yo, Nightshift, Hansbrough, Youse Down, Kitten

It was a day like any other day when 10 men descended and then ascended at Westend. Defying the pull of gravity, as well as the little voice that says, "stop", got us through 61 minutes together. It all started like this:

Warm Up:
SSH x 30 IC, Imperial Walker x 15 IC, LBAC IC fwd then bwd, Mt Climbers x 20 IC, Flys (Plank with extended arm to the sky each side) IC x 10, WMH x 10 IC.

1st PAX climbs stairs to top then comes down
2nd PAX exercises

Exercises: 100 HR Merkins, 150 Squats (started with Dry Docks but this was quickly realized to be too similar to merkin to be feasible), 200 LBC w/clap

After, some Dry Docks for good measure.

Down the Pittsboro Road Hill for, yep some Dry Docks, then:
Alternating forward and backward run to next street light (there are 9 plus the one at top) where the following were performed:

20 Monkey Humpers
10 Groaners
5 Jump Squats

Once again an audible was called due to formal complaints about pain or something with too many Monkey Humpers so, Dry Docks substituted when desired.

Run down the hill and cross over circle at Greensboro St to bike path back to AO for Mary.

Freddie Mercury x 5 IC. 6:31A

Beware of risk compensation. We workout and then sometimes justify unhealthy food and drink and sleep deprivation. My goal is to apply the intensity I bring to my exercise to my diet and, eventually, my sleep. Grateful for brothers who show up and are flexible to adapt the routine. Silent thoughts and prayers for Yo-Yo, whose work life could be better, and hopefully will be.

5 for Coffeteria.