04/23/2024 Farmboys – Circuit City

April 29, 2024

WHEN: 04/23/2024
QIC: Pumpkin
PAX: Vice, Treehouse, Balki, Squi, Doi, OC, Wuerffel, Stevie Ray

Side Shuffle Hop (20 IC)
Willie Mays Hayes (10 tempo)
Hillbillies (10 IC)
Harvester (10 IC)
Bush Whackers (10 IC)
Phelps (IC)
Peter Parker Spiderman merkins (10)

The Thang
YHC has been spending too much time on callisthenics instagram and pulled a few circuits from there.

First Circuit:
20 Side Shuffle Hop
10 squat thursters (flying squirrel)
10 tysons merkins
10 alt bird dogs – plank if possible, table top if not
Rest 1 minute, 5 rounds.

Second Circuit:
20 Side shuffle hop
10 in and out squats/pop squats (hop up and when you land, have legs wider than shoulder width apart, squat, and then hop again and bring them back together for 1 rep)
10 inch worms
10 mountain climbers
10 burpees
30 second rest, 4 rounds

Mary Circuit:
20 alternating seated heel touches (seated, legs out, slight lean back, reach left heel with right arm, then right heel with left arm)
10 knee to chest (reverse crunch)
10 leg raises (single count)
10 flutters (IC)
10 glute bridges (single count)