10 PAX grudgingly posted at #rameses with a cheap @yanni impersonator.
Brief Warmarama
ME: Down and back up Laurel Hill Road with seven stops for exercises. Simple tabata to exhaustion: 40 seconds exercise, 20 seconds rest of the same three exercises at each stop – mountain climbers, merkins, jump squats. Moseys in between stops. YHC progressively stretched the duration of 40 seconds to quash chatter and elicit grumbling. Shout-out to Fat Tire for remembering the jump squats when YHC lost track of the complicated sequence of this Q. Also shout-out to Boucher for pulling all PAX back uphill. Dude is ready for this weekend’s Tar Heel 10-miler!
Brief Mary led by Yurt
COT: challenge to confront selfishness justly and authoritatively without anger