04/11/2022 The Thicket – wash, rinse, repeat with Blocks and Bricks

April 11, 2022

WHEN: 04/11/2022
QIC: Spam
PAX: Chum, Beaujolies, Paper Jam, Bump Draft, Splashback, Catskill, Shuggah Shack, Marky Mark, Mothman, Quicken

I learned late on Sunday afternoon that I had signed up to Q #thethicket — a site I have yet to Q, and have attended only a handful of times. But, living on the border of Chapel Hill and Chatham gives me close proximity options galore so rather than wimp out and fartsack my own Q, I stuck with it, came up with a plan and executed it.

Mosey over to the playground where the Chin Up Bars are readily available — needed to get in a little work for the Pull Up Challenge
SSH x 10
WMH x 10
PullUps — 5-10 or whatever the PAX can do
Good Morning x 10
IW x 10
PullUps — 5-10 or whatever the PAX can do
Slow Squat x 10
Mountain Climbers x 10
PullUps — 5-10 or whatever the PAX can do

The Thang
Moseyed over to the bricks and Blocks. Each Pax got two bricks and one Block.
We did 10 minutes of exercise, 1 minute each, 10 different exercises, with a 5 second transition in between. Max Reps per exercise. (Paper Jam was especially thankful for the 5 second rest transition)

Round 1 with the bricks
Round 2 with the Blocks
Round 3 (30 seconds per exercise) dealers choice of brick, block or nothing
Exercises were in this order:
1 -Shoulder Press
2 – LBCs
3 – Merkins
4 – Lunges
5 – Rows (switched arms halfway through)
6 – Homer to Marge
7 – Bicep Curls
8 – Squats
9- Flutter Kicks
10 – Blockees/Brickees or Burpees

With the remaining time we did a quick Circle of Fire, Plank Hold, each Pax did 5 merkins

Finished up with 10 WWIIs as Mary was a component of the Thang

Between rounds 1 and 2 for a 1 minute rest a joke was told — something to the effect of:
A boy was in the library and he said to the librarian. My penis is in the Guinness Book of World Records. She looked and quickly said, take it out of there. (Ha Ha). — and according to BumpDraft this is common in Iowa Libraries.

Announcements and Prayers
Malawi Run is April 23rd

YHC mentioned (many of you know this) that I came out 8 years ago September. Showed up maybe a dozen or so times and then went back into my cave for quite a while. Finally jumped back in about 3 years ago or so and have been going pretty strong since then. My message was pretty simple "If at first you don't succeed, try again." It is what happens with so many of us at F3 and in life. We use our F3 brothers to push one another to do more and that is really quite special and makes me proud to be back at F3 after a long hiatus. (now my goal is to get to 5 years on to beat the 5 years I took off). Aye!!!!!