03/11/2025 The Jag – Quality over Quantity for the Blue Hens

March 11, 2025

WHEN: 03/11/2025
QIC: Boucher
PAX: Atta boy; Bada bing; Catskill; Chum; Dunphhy; Haagen Dasz; Homegrown Berry; Niblet; Pink pirate; Quicken; Sohchatoa; Torque; Vice

Bada Bing & Sohcahtoa shared that the Q spot was open at the Jag and YHC jumped into lead – a VQ! YHC had been squeezing ALOT into the personal and professional live and to focus on quality reps over quantity. Also inspired by the #12 seeded Delaware Men's Basketball Blue Hens (friends with the interim AD and the Head MBB Coach) improbable run to the Conference Finals and the doorstep of a historic run to the Big Dance, threw in some themes related to key numbers in their run.
9 Pax did EC pullups and YHC started with…

All IC x 12
ARM Circles
Good morning
Slow squats
Mountain climbers
Mosey around the bus loop

The Pax lined up along the end of the parking lot for some 11's in honor of the Delaware Blue Hens Basketball Team winning one of their last 11 regular season games to end the season. We did 10 Bobby Hurleys and then ran 11 parking lines to do one Delaware (Carolina) Dry Docks, and repeated reducing the Bobby Hurleys by one until we got to one rep, and increasing the Dry Docks until we got to 10.
We then frankensteined to the 11th spot and back.

YHC shared some stories about personal resilience as well as a recent podcast about Reginald Dwayne Betts and his inspiring story of redemption, grace, and service – https://freakonomics.com/podcast/reading-dostoevsky-behind-bars. Quicken and others also shared some of their personal stories.
Then we did a psycho T Merkin pyramid to 11. We were very deliberate with a focus on form, and took breaks. Once we achieved 11 psycho T Merkins, YHC offered the PAX to go down the pyramid via squats, however the the majority of the PAX (even @Quicken) wanted to finish with the merkins – so we finished 121 high quality Psycho T merkins!
Mosey around the parking lot
Blue Hen 12 count burpee. Was hoping to do 12 of these, but only had time for one.
Squat~>thrust out~>merkin down~>merkin up~>right knee to chest~>back~>left knee to chest~>back~>plank jack out~>plank jack in~>thrust in~>squat jump
YHC shared some anecdotes of resilience, overcoming failure and thanking the Lord for unanswered prayers. Quality over Quantity.

LBC IC x 12
Flutter kicks IC x 12
Freddie Mercury IC x 12
Rosalita IC x 12
Heels to Heaven IC x 12

Support the Leprechaun dash supporting youth-serving opportunities in Chatham County
Chatham County Habitat for Humanity build
Prayers for Jadyn with recovery from her surgery

Followed by 9 PAX enjoying fellowship and some warm morning beverages at Lowe's Foods.

Great to be with you men in the gloom!