03/07/2022 The Thicket – Bricks Vs Blocks

March 7, 2022

WHEN: 03/07/2022
QIC: Green Acres
PAX: Maraschino, Vice, Chum, Rambler, Germ, Paperboy, BananaSkin, Bump Draft, Madden, ICE, Mothman, MarkyMark, Catskill, Splashback, Brotox, Stickman, Quicken

SSH x 30
Arm circles F/R
Overhead clap
Seal clap
Arm rotation
WMH with arm to sky

Mosey around the school to the bricks and blocks, divide into two teams. Team 1 started with the bricks, they would do the exercise and then run (or mode of travel with bricks) the bricks over the Stopline, they would do 2 burpees and run back to get two more bricks leaving a pile of bricks. Team 2 meanwhile did the same but with cinderblocks (only 2 cinderblocks per person so they would take the blocks back and forth). After the cinderblocks did each exercise a stop was called and we switched. Team 2 was trying to put the bricks back before Team1 finished their block work. Everyone got to lift and have fun with bricks and blocks so everyone won.

Brick team
Lung walk with overhead press
Traveling Brickees
Brick crawl
Seal claps + Overhead Claps (20+20) – Run
Overhead press + Arm rotation (20+20) – Run

Cinder block
Murder bunny
Traveling Blockee
Bear Block Drag
Curls + Overhead press (20+20) – Run
Weighted HTM + Flutters (20+20) – Run

Yes/No/Maybe – 10 Each
Seated Leg Raises – 20
Flutter kicks – 40