Two returned from the playground after some Murph training!
SSH, WMH, windmill, downward dog & calf pumps, IW, slow squats
Pinwheel (mozy -> hill sprint -> pick up 6 & recovery) from roundabout
First leg: mozy to bottom of hill at the Wall, sprint up (200m), recover back to roundabout
Second leg: mozy north down Great Ridge,
sprint up (400m), recover back to roundabout
Third leg: mozy down BC Pkwy, sprint up (650m), recover back to roundabout
Fourth leg: mozy south down Great Ridge, sprint up (750m), recover back to roundabout
Recovery mozy on BC Pkwy & back to AO. Paperboy had us right at 5mi for the morning.
The Tuesdays on Ice is a great incentive! It gets Jaggers like me this week to the Rabbit and Rabbiteers like Paperboy last week to the Jag. We hold our own but we find ourselves out of our comfort zone. Don’t fear being out of your comfort zone. Being uncomfortable makes us stronger! AYE