02/18/2022 Animal House – 1,001

February 18, 2022

WHEN: 02/18/2022
QIC: Moore
PAX: Moore, Balki, Wile E., Food Lion

Great to be back in the gloom at AH. It's been way too long!


The Thang… "Lt. Dan style" ladders with one single count exercise and one cadence count working our way up to 10.
– merkins on the block + seal claps
– pull-ups + block curls
– block swings + backward lunges
Fellowship lap
Jump-rope challenge between Wile E. and Food Lion. Wile E. cannily threw off Food Lion's concentration and won. 10 burpees for the losers and 20 curls for the winners.
Back to the ladders…
– dips + overhead claps
– Australian merkins + curls
– block squats + forward lunges

Rather than wrapping up with the traditional Mary, YHC has been committing to more stretching, and we subbed 5 min of stretching rotating around the group for dealer's choice.

Don't take your health for granted. Don't be too much of a man to see your doctor. YHC's 53-year old brother had a scare last fall with a 100% blockage to his heart. He's doing fine now with a stent. Listen to your body soak up every wonderful day.