Hills and Court Work

October 1, 2018

WHEN: 09/04/2018
QIC: Toolbox
PAX: Coxswain, ShakeIt, Bluth, Banana Split, SodaPopinski, and total apologies to those I’m missing

A solid group of around 17 (?) PAX showed up for a muggy morning of work at The Big Dance.  2 PAX (Shakeit and YHC) showed for an old school kettlebell workout on the playground.  We should do more of this; 5 pull-ups and 10 swings EMOM.  Brutal.  Thanks Shakeit.


After warmups, we moseyed to the hill at Homer Street.  We did a number of runs up and down the hill with the residential post light as our guideline.  PAX did 10 Burpees at the bottom, ran up, 10 tuck jumps at top, and ran back down.  YHC was pretty smoked.


We moseyed back to the home base and got to the tennis courts.  We did four different suicide style  crawls across the first tennis court.

Bear Crawl:  10 LBC’s at midway

Crawlbear:  10 Merkins at midway

Crab Walk:  10 WWII’s at midway

Gorilla Jump:  10 BWS’s at midway


PAX lined up on the fence for balls to wall, 10 count down the line.


After some grumbling, we then circled up for Mary.  We did some various slow back stretching to wind the time down.  Time was up.



YHC is very sorry for the delay in getting this out.  I had been in a busy moment and also was signed up for the Blue Ridge Relay, which seemed crazy given all that I had going down with work.  Everything worked out though, I survived the runs, and was glad I did it.  The food and beer afterwards were also enjoyable :).  I don’t spend much time on the computer, to be honest, so things go away from me on this BB.  Anyhow, what a Summer we had; i’m glad to be entering cooler weather soon.  Always encouraged by the group that shows up each morning.  I’m a better man because of the inspiration I gain from the men who wake up and post…that’s for sure.  Over and out!