16 PAX showed up at the honeybadger for YHC’s first Q at the badger. Dial Up did a solo EC run AND ruck.
Warm Up
SSH x 25
Willie Mays Hays x 10
Good morning x 10
Imperial Walker x 15
Slow Merkins x10
The Thang
A 1.4 mile run through downtown Durham with frequent stops for beatdown
Run to the parking lot by Rise.

First Stop
Run to the top of the parking lot, do one Merkin
Run back down, two Merkins
Run to the top, three Merkins. You get the gist
Finish at 10 Merkins. Plank Hold until everyone’s done
Rinse and repeat but substitute jump squats for Merkins
Run down Foster Road, stopping at Central Park.
Partner carry to Greer Street, alternate as needed. Stop for a brief rest at stop sign.
Conclude at Cocoa Cinnamon
Second Stop
One partner does LBCs in the Cocoa Cinnamon parking lot while the other partner runs to the pull-ups bars, does 10 pull-ups and runs back. Upon return, the other partner runs to pull-up bar and does 10 pull-ups
Rinse and Repeat

Brief run to Motorco outdoor seating area. Looks like a great place to sit and relax, but not today
Third Stop
Grab a bench
The Dip x25
Derkins x20
Rinse and repeat (x20 and x15)
Run down Rigsbee past Central Park and hang a right into the open parking lot

Fourth Stop
Bear crawl to the end of the parking lot
Backwards jog back
Run down Rigsbee, left on Chapel Hill Street and back to City Hall with only a few minutes to spare
American Hammer x25
Merkin Ring of Fire qty of 5
Announcement: 2nd F at Hi Wire on March 9, Ms and 2.0s welcome.
Misery shared his thoughts on a recent F3 podcast. There aren’t often many prayer requests, but statistics show in a
group of 15 people, 2-3 folks are probably struggling through a tough time. Be aware of your fellow PAX (and co-workers, family, friends, acquaintances) who may be more withdrawn or have their head down. Give them some encouragement and be ready and available if someone needs you, for a pat on the back, cup of coffee or something more.
Misery took us out.