7 PAX posted for a Sweats-led EC and were rewarded by a beating with a rotation of KB exercises;
KB swings, KB merkins, single-arm KB overhead press, The Juggernaut (KB farmer carry lunge walk with ruck), overhead press (with Binksy; 70lbs) and KB sumo squats (with Sweetpea; 100lbs).
As the headlights started rolling in for the 0530 ME launch; we gathered up and got warm.
The Warm Up
SSH (x30 IC)
Merkins (X30 SC)
BWS (x30 IC)
The Thang
The PAX moseyed over to the Forest Hills Park tennis courts for some flat fun on the hard courts.
While using the sidelines and center line (3 lines each) of each court (x4 courts), the PAX completed 10 merkins at the starting line following a sprint out and back to each of the 3 lines on all 4 courts.
(Break out the calculator… uh, carry the 6…divide by 4…multiple by the denominator…). 120 merkins.
Recover in plank while alternating between left/right arm high until all PAX are back.
Cycle through again; this time substituting jump squats instead of merkins. 12 cycles x 10 jump squats per line. 120 jump squats. Recover while in the People’s Chair position against the chain link fence.
By this point, the humidity was pretty killer. Sweats had already been done for 30 minutes (or so it seemed… so he became the designated Boucher (water boy) of the day and filled a water bottle to be passed down the line of PAX holding against the fence in People’s Chair. Once each PAX had a brief sip/splash of H20; drop down for 10 merkins (OYO) & BWS (OYO) until all PAX had finished.
We saved the best for last. Repeato the above… but with YHC’s most/least liked exercise: burpees.
120 burpees. It was hot. Floyd mumble chattered (a lot). He said our friendship was over (and then recruited 2Ply and Shake It to say the same).
Au Jus, Sweats & Cardiac were killing it. Screech, Reboot, Funny Money (& others) were inspirational as they continued to push their limits. Shake It kinda got quiet. YHC got dizzy. But we finally finished… and we all got a bit sweaty.
LBC (x25 IC)
Heels to Heaven (x25 IC)
Flutters (x25 IC)
Side oblique hip drops (gotta be a better name for these…?!) (x10 SC right; x10 SC left: Repeato)
American Hammers (x18 IC)…then the clock struck 0615 and we called it a day.
TClaps to Au Jus & Doogie for the continued communication and work re: the Spartan-SOS race (9/24)
Prayers to Floyd’s friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer.