Rabbits Dig Deep

March 6, 2018

WHEN: 03/06/2018
QIC: Bright Idea
PAX: As-Is, Germ, Horny Toad, Stick, Grunge, Nescafe, Wreckless, Bright Idea


I volunteered last night to be the stand in Q.


Side Straddle Hops

Willie Mays Hays


Arm Circles (F/R)

Burpees (compliments to Grunge)


At a strong warm-up pace, we turned tight out of the clubhouse parking lot and headed to the parking lot of the Wall. There we paired up and I described the plan of attack:

DORA – One teammate runs a 1/4 mile while the other tries to complete the below exercises:

50 Hill Climbs

100 Jump Squats

150 Lunges

This plan did cause some grumbling and disbelief.

The hill climbs were significantly more difficult to complete than I anticipated and there was some confusion on whether we were doing 35 or 50. After each partner completed 2 rounds of hill climbs (an average of 35 total climbs complete) it became clear we needed to modify. We circled up and decided to do 100 lunges each as a group. Once complete, the group’s motivation and sweat began to pour. Grunge pointed out a puddle of sweat at his feet. I offered to the group that we run back and knock Mary out, but the group wanted to finish what we started. Together we each completed 75 jump squats. Once again, beyond our prescribed minimum. The run back started slow, but our sense of accomplishment provided a nice boost of adrenaline and endorphins to make the run quite enjoyable.



Flutter Kicks, Back Plank Leg Lifts, and Boat/Canoe


Sign up for the Gambler (March 24) by adding your name to the Google sheet found on the Slack channel. Keep I.C.E. in your thoughts while he recovers from yesterday’s injury.


“A good goal has a 50% chance of failure.”

“Planning is Everything. Plans are Nothing.”


It’s unfulfilling to only accept and pursue challenges where it’s clear you will succeed. If you aren’t forced to extend yourself to the edge of your confidence and capability you learn nothing about yourself and you gain nothing. Avoid these scenarios or find a way to modify them to increase the scope or impact. A good target is a 50% chance of failure. This applies to all aspects of life, not just workouts. Become aware of when you are allowing yourself to win too easily. Try the 50% goal out on something you have planned today, you will likely surprise yourself.