Merkins With Muggers

January 9, 2018

WHEN: 01/09/2018
QIC: Yanni
PAX: Rebar, Lincoln Log, Nescafe, Stinky Pete, DOI

The Jag is the latest offering in the Chatham region of F3. Not being too familiar with the AO, YHC arrived early and did some solo recon to find a playground. I decide to hang my cannonball pull ups over the swing set to mix it up a bit. A pair of headlights turned into the parking lot and revealed YHC standing in the middle of a playground dressed like a creepy ninja. The man steps out of his car and yells, ‘Are you a mugger?’ I tell the man that I am with a workout group called F3, blah, blah usual EH stuff, but he’s not impressed. He drives away, leaving YHC to feel weird and vulnerable in the middle of a playground at 0515. Rebar assured me we would not get in trouble if we used the playground, so the decision was made that Rebar would be the one I called when hauled into jail. Alas, the man was just curious to know if he was going to get mugged.

Five men were pulling into the parking lot ready to get to work. Let go…

Warm Up
Jump Rope
cross body merkins
1 armed wide merkins
running merkins

Bear Crawl/Crawl Bear/Burpees…
Bear Crawl 2 parking spots, crawl bear back 1, 2 burpees(repeat, burpees increase x2)

scorpion merkins

Jog to playground – but along the way….
jumping merkins (credit Grunge)
1 legged kick merkins
Dips – laces out (credit Grunge)

4 men doing swerkins
2 men doing AMRAP cannonball pull ups
switch for 2 rounds

2 men doing rows
2 men doing AMRAP traditional pull ups
2 men doing squats
repeat till time to return to the AO

Spider Web Merkins (credit Nescafe for the F3 naming)
*ask someone if you really want to know*

1) Stickman is doing an exposé on F3 tomorrow at The Earl. Join us and you shall become rich and famous. Come out and help spread the word of F3.


‘Train hot, race cool’ My dad used to say this. My dad was the best athlete I personally knew and I looked up to him and his knowledge about exercise. I took that phrase to mean make your preparation harder than the main event and you will be better prepared. This can apply to anything in life. Later, when I asked him about that he said he literally meant train in the NC summer heat and find races in the fall when it is cool. Oh well, I used it in my life as the deeper meaning. Go out today and seek the harder path as it will make you better prepared for the Main Events in life. Until we meet again in the gloom, Aye!

The look on Rebar’s face during the explanation of the last exercise was priceless.
Goat Cheese was YHC’s yoda when it came to pull ups. A lot was learned from Goat Cheese and those lessons learned are always thought about and appreciated.