Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You

August 26, 2017

WHEN: 08/25/2017
QIC: Dean Wormer/Yanni
PAX: Smokes, Yanni, Red October, Mr Woodcock, Chum, Turnpike, Fat Cat, Boyardee, John Boy, Spooky, Appamatox, Chef Tell, Eddie the Eagle, Sir Mix A Lot, Cheese Splint, Rambler, Cousin Vinny, Duplo, Ito, Swingline, Carmen (FNG), Closer, Germ, Goat Cheese, Moore, Nightshift, Treehouse, Kevin, CO2, Singlet, Honey, Horny Toad, Nescafe, Bedbug (FNG), Trickle, Marky Mark, Sneaky Shoes, Band Camp, Slug, Snail, Skynyrd, Dean Wormer

With the arrival of OBT on Wednesday, YHC’s attention and time was focused on hosting and preparing for that event. While hosting one of the founders of F3 is special, convergences between AOs is just as if not more special an important to the men involved in any F3 region. Convergences are a time when guys get to see faces that they haven’t seen in a while and meet some new friendly faces as well. We come together with the guys that are impacting our lives every day and helping us push each other to keep that ‘Mean Mean Stride'(it’s in the Free To Lead book, read it!) Dean Wormer had an amazing idea of buddying up and learning about someone you’re not familiar with and then introducing them during COT. This is what’s it’s all about.

6 men with questionable judgement set out from the AO at 0445 on an XL ruck.

All in all 43 men would come together and sweat while getting to know each other.

Warm Up
Arm Circles / reverse

Squat-Bear Crawl-Buddy Merkin-Run Pyramid
Line up along each length of the hockey rink facing your partner.
10 Squats, bear crawl towards your partner meeting in the middle, 1 buddy merkin, run back
9 Squats, bear crawl towards your partner meeting in the middle, 2 buddy merkin, run back

Buddy Burpees – 50
P1 does burpees
P2 runs lap around the hockey rink
Partners burpee and run until 50 burpees have been completed

Exit the hockey rink and head towards the hill next to the parking lot
P1 bear crawl up and over the hill
P2 squats/merkins

All PAX traveling burpees up the hill – sweep six when you’re done

Partner situps to 100
As a team complete 100 sit ups switching when need be.
This was a good time to lear about your partner

Head back into the hockey rink
20 Prom Nights

Name-O-Rama Buddies introduced their buddy, Name, Age, F3 Name, Fun Fact
CORA food pantry with Boyardee – join the Slack channel or DM boyardee

Due to time YHC cut his BOM shout out to something short and sweet. The usual F3 speech about making each other better and go out today and be better.

YHC will put here what was planned to be said…
With OBT coming to join F3Churham to post YHC fast tracked 1 of his to do items for the summer which was to read ‘Free To Lead’ by Dredd and OBT. The book is filled with great info on the history of F3 and the theories has to how they come up with the structure and why. One of the chapters in the book caught YHC’s eye and it was called ‘Mean Mean Stride’. It is a reference to the song Tom Sawyer by Rush and reference to the famous novel ‘Tom Sawyer’. Like many of you, YHC has not read Tom Sawyer since grade school and forgot that Tom Sawyer was made to whitewash a fence for fighting. He gets heckled by his friends for having to do the work on a Saturday when they got play. However, Tom Sawyer tells his friends that whitewashing the fence was hard work and that only 1 in 1000, perhaps only 1 in 2000 boys could do it and that his friends shouldn’t even try because it’s hard work. His friends ultimately take the challenge by being challenged. Tom’s new work force finds that taking on the hard challenges is fun and rewarding. What’s hard to do is rewarding and fun, what’s easy to do is hard work. So what does today’s Modern Day Warrior look like? It’s someone who takes on the hard challenges and leaves the easy stuff to the others. Someone who pushes the other PAX members and makes the road hard and the tasks rewarding. All of us who wake at 0500 to post are Modern Day warriors when it comes to fitness. Are we modern day warriors in our daily lives? Those of us who are raising children know that it’s hard, damn hard, but it will be the most fun and rewarding thing we will ever do. Choose the harder tasks and the fun will be greater and the rewards will make you richer than you ever dreamed. Till we meet in the gloom again, Aye!