Founder’s Day

August 23, 2017

WHEN: 08/23/2017
QIC: Marky Mark
PAX: OBT, Yanni, Dueling Banjos, Pepsi (FNG), Adolphus, Smokes, Avalanche, Champ, Dean Wormer, Chef Tell, Manwell, Manscaper, Eddie The Eagle, Horny Toad, Podrick, GMO, MARTA, Turnpike, No Money, Spooky, Skynyrd, Rebar, GTL, Cousin Vinny, Nescafe, Lo Pair, Bright Idea, Riviera, Rambler, Duplo, Closer, Kevin, Grunge, Sneaky Shoes, Fieri, Bogey, Bailout (FNG), John-Boy, Slow Pitch, Mothman, Red October, Germ, Goat Cheese, Chum, Coco, Stickman, ET, Bunyan, Pi, Canyouhearmenow?, Sir-Mix-A-Lot, Moore, Pink House (FNG), Ruxpin, Breach, Evil Octopus (FNG), Sussudio, Vandelay, Zika

Pop quiz, hot shot. One of the founders of F3 is coming to the AO you’re scheduled to Q in 48 hours. What do you do? What do you do?

For YHC, there was an obvious answer: lean on the great leaders that have proven their worth in building local AOs. So into the war room we descended and out we emerged with a battle plan.

The exponential Churham growth has been a testament to these leaders, as well as so many other enthusiastic PAX. They are living embodiments of the F3 mission: “to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Well, except for “small” today.

Churham answered the call and descended on The Big House to welcome OBT, who co-founded F3 in 2011. More than six years later, F3 is undoubtedly a national phenomenon, all while sticking to the same principles and lexicon that he helped develop at the outset. He’s now focused on expansion, with this month’s Give2Give F3 Leap Fundraiser to plant shovel flags this fall in Chicago, St. Louis and Texas.

YHC will cut to the chase and stop there, before this backblast reads like an Oprah Bomb.

There were 12 Ruckers that got the ball rolling at CSAUP-o-clock.

Then 60 PAX reported for the main event, bringing with them an array of Churham shovel flags.

With a big group, and an ambitious plan, there would be no warmup.

OBT brought the PAX together for a pre-game BOM and then it was go time …

The Thang

Split into three groups. Marky Mark takes Group 1. Yanni takes Group 2. Dueling Banjos takes Group 3. And Grunge assumes the prestigious honor of traveling with the AO shovel flag.

Run to The Wall AO.

Station 1: Far driveway – Traveling Burpees then Lunge Walk
Station 2: The Wall – Balls to the Wall then People’s Chair
Station 3: Tennis courts – Bear Crawl suicides then Crab Walk suicides

After completion (aka hearing a timed “ROTATE” hollered in the gloom), each group moves to the next station until all three have been completed.

SSH while waiting for the groups to reunite. Then run back to The Big House.

Peter Parker
Rocky Balboa
Parker Peter

* Welcome FNGs Bailout, Evil Octopus, Pepsi, and Pink House. Nothing quite like a 60-man name-o-rama.
* Props to the PAX for always sweeping the six, and coming to the aid of an injured brother today. Indeed, no man is ever left behind.
* OBT handled BOM to close the show. And the PAX were better for it. YHC can safely say on behalf of the whole group that we were honored to have you among us in the gloom this morning, and we’re eager to hear of the inevitable expansion success that will follow your efforts around the country.
* Coffeeteria followed at Breakaway Cafe, where the mumblechatter continued.
* This. Was. Awesome. Aye!