Always bet on PAX

February 2, 2018

WHEN: 02/02/2018
PAX: Cheese Splint, MARTA, Harbaugh, Delorean, Draper
Warm Up: SSH, IW, AC, Seal Jacks, Walk out merkins, Bear Crawl down the hill
The Thang:
In honor of the impending Super Bowl Sunday, the largest betting day of the year, YHC thought it would be a good day to get in some gambling of our own.
1 Pax (the “house”) sets an exercise and a rep count (e.g., 30 Merkins) and then sets the over/under – a.k.a. the number of pax out of the 6 remaining who will reach the target rep count in the time it takes the “house” to sprint up and down the hill.
Pax choose the over or the under and then perform exercise while the house sprints up the hill and back.  Losing bettors get tagged w/ 5 burpees; house gets 5 burpees for a push.
Made it through 3 rounds (each pax was able to be the house 3 times/21 total exercises).
Turned out to be a great workout – demands a good pace and the target/time limit forces you to push yourself but the gambling aspect distracts you from the pain. We’ll do it again.